Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Here's To Living with Style!

Image via Book Mrs-O. Mrs-O.org
We are living in an amazing time.  Not just because we have an African -American President, but because he has such an amazing wife in Michelle.  I really admire Michelle's sense of style.  Her always chic personal style reminds me of an era where taking pride in one's appearance was common place.  This pride was evident not only in how people dressed, but in how they kept their homes as well.  I have fond memories of those times and want to thank Michell for bringing them back.  As the nation is experiencing a revitalization, so is the design industry.  I am excited about the new possibilities!  Now more than ever, people are creating loving, nurturing homes for their friends and families to gather and enjoy.  If you are wondering what you can do.  Stay tuned to my blog.  Here we will discuss not only the techniques that I use when creating award-winning homes, but the history of how we live.  I would love to hear from you. Please submit your questions or comments here. Like what you see here. Leave a comment in the section below.

1 comment:

  1. I love your website and your work. I love decorating and it is my dream to have my own business in the future. You are such an inspiration and I look forward to reading your blogs in the future and any tips that you can share to help me get started. Take Care!
